Case Study




1. Introduction

a. Essence of the Best Practice

The Adlegg foundation offers an innovative concept for landscape conservation and preservation of a unique cultural landscape. The introduction and use of goats for landscape conservation and the processing of milk, cheese and goat meat from the region for the region with strong community involvement and direct customer contact are the basis for a success that is based on a common interest and commitment of all partners in the concept.

b. What/ How/ Who/ Where

The farm is based on approx. 115ha of grassland, of which approx. 40 % are classified as biotope. It is a marginal land, which was mostly abandoned before the intiative was started by Mr. Oliver Post started since 1995.

A dairy goat husbandry has been established (60 dairy goats + offspring) in addition to the pension cattle husbandry (130 cattle per year aged 1-2 years).

The cheese dairy processes 30.000 liter of milk per year. Based on a wholistic marketing approach in B2C dairy products as well as goat meat is sold.

2. Given Situation before Startup/ Change

a. Existing farm or new/ side entry

Oliver Post took a side-entry to farming business. After the farmer had acquired a farmstead with 5 ha closeby, he realised that many farmers in the region were ceasing their activities because profitability was no longer a given and thus the arduous cultivation of marginal land was no longer attractive.

3. Decisions made at the beginning (AIMS/ GOALS)

a. Selection of Seeds/ Breeds/ Location for Production

Oliver Post was clear about the fact, purely from an economic perspective, other locations for goat farming are more effective.

But at the same time, he was very sure that an important regional added value of this livestock farming could also arise from the non-profit interest of landscape conservation and preservation, which could ultimately bring an important advantage and uniqueness in terms of value creation.

Within the framework of a foundation supported by regional stakeholders, the basis was created and in the meantime a goat pen has been realised. 

The foundation aimed at high-quality niche production, processing and direct selling from the beginning.

Therefor they made the decision for special breeds of animals which today is:

  • goat: Bunte Deutsche Edelziege together with Waldziege

b. Decision for the production system (Intensive, extensive, organic, biodynamic)

In line with his decision for the breeds of animals was the decision of organic production from the beginning. It enabled a wholistic appearance and regional market entry for the produce.

The grazing was accompanied by a biologist since 2014 in order to document the effects on the cultural landscape.

The breeding is aiming now on more milk performance based on grazing on meagre meadows.

c. Decision about Processing stage and Market depth

Today the farm offers 4 kinds of cheese based on raw goat milk as well as goat meat.

There is cooperation with other farmers in selling/ marketing and as well about using existing capacities of the dairy.

d. Decision for the Market to be delivered: B2B and/or B2C

The individual parts of the business described above form a wholistic overall concept to enter fully no B2C-level.

4. Gallery

5. Measures taken to establish the business (PLANNING/SETTING)

a. Network, Exchange, Training, Counselling

Advice was provided at the beginning and on an ongoing basis by the Office of Agriculture and the Bioland Association (farm development plan). In addition, there was intensive cooperation with ProRegio – Society for Landscape Development and the PLENUM project in Baden Württemberg.

As a career changer in agriculture, Oliver Post was was open about how to plan and what he could expect from his farm.

Oliver Post as well as the foundation work based on good communication and a high transparency level.

b. Single Farm/ Cooperation/ Cooperative

Cooperation on horizontal as well as on vertical level along added value chain is practiced since always in the foundation, which further more is trying to make the costumers and people of the region stakeholders and therefor including them to the project and reach commitment as well as enthusiasm.

The farmer managed to find broad support among the regional population for the grazing project and the foundation. The foundation was established by 46 founding donors, including 16 farmers and landowners.

6. Next steps to move on (MOVE ON/ ADAPT)

a. Steps in production/ processing/ selling

  • improve results of dairy farming from goats
  • use existing capacities in processing

b. Steps ahead in relevant Markets

  • deeper cooperation with other farmers

7. Quote and Recommendation of the Promoter

a. Is it worth it?

Definitely, but there is a need for strong young leaders.

b. What is the biggest revenue, what is the biggest challenge?

Linking agriculture, region and landscape is key.

Without a great passion for agriculture and nature conservation, such a project would not have come into being: neither on a small nor on a large scale.

The farmer had great stamina, and stuck to the path, even if it was by no means always easy.

c. What you recommend to other farmers?

Think carefully about what makes your location different from others. Both positive and negative. Then work out the positive features and strengthen them!

It is important to think ideas further and to the end:

  • What is the consequence of an action in one area for the other area?
  • What happens when we act in a certain way?
  • Where do we want to go?

His basic idea is this:

“Agriculture is loyal to its location”.

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